Friday, May 31, 2019

Teacher Expectations and Education Essay example -- Education Teaching

Teacher Expectations and EducationOne thing Ive learned this year is that teachers must always strive to conform to the wide range of individual student abilities, learning styles, and interests even within a single class, plainly still maintain reasonable expectations, especially if bring in is present in the school. Through my observations, it seems that teacher expectations for students became increasingly lower with each track. Furthermore, minority, low socioeconomic status and learning support students most frequently appear, in the lower tracks. The low expectations in these classes may be reflected in the students as they leave the school and attempt to function in society. Research by NCTE suggests that tycoon tracking is detrimental to some groups of students and to many individual students. I will be exploring how low expectations may cause inappropriate behaviors, lack of interest in subject matter, and resistance to learning and how tracking exacerbates these problem s. I think it is important, as I discuss expectations in different tracks, to show the composition of students that make up each of the classes that I observed and taught, as it appears that minority, low SES, and learning support students tend to make up the lower tracks. I remember feeling both(prenominal) shock and surprise when I learned that State College still practices a form of tracking, but Regular, College Prep, and Advanced English seemed pretty harmless at first. The apparent difference between the curriculum and types of students from level to level, particularly from Regular to College Prep is what soon began to catch my interest. I should first point out that in the 9th and tenth grades there are only both tracks, Regular and Advanced. Juniors ... ... artwork.I truly believe (and Im sure this will be worked out of me at some point) that the moment a teacher says or even thinks that a student is incapable of some task, that is the moment that the student becomes in capable. So whats the dissolving agent to being sensitive to student needs, yet not single them out, labeling, or lowering expectations? Maybe the CTI has some value. Why not simply have two tracks, Regular/College Prep and Advanced (as researched by The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented Learner does show that gifted students benefit from tracking) but keep the CTI model of two teachers collaborating in some way and smaller class sizes? With fewer students, teachers would have more time to give individualized overhaul without labeling or segregating certain students and it is less likely that expectations would be lowered unnecessarily.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers

Foreign Policy Book Re purviewWorld War I took place in the early 1900s. The United States entered the war late, move not to get involved with foreign affairs. In Erich Maria Remarques WWI novel All Quiet on the Western Front, we see the war through the German point of view of a 19 year-old Paul Baumer. As more and more young German nationalists are brain-washed into battle, more and more lives are modify forever. Once in the war, the young soldiers realize that war isnt at all in all as glorious as they had believed. They continuously live in fear and interminable doubt. One thing I liked about this sacred scripture was that the heroin dies in the remnant not because of animosity towards the main character but because it didnt end in an archetypal happy ending. It felt more real than same old story weve seen over and over again where the main character sees all his friends die yet somehow survives every battle. One thing I learned from was that it really was terrifying to be at war during a militaristic industrial revolution. New weapons were constantly being brought into the war, and no one knew how to defend themselves against them. In modern day we have plans and defense systems for anything and everything, but they hadnt yet seen tanks or machine guns. Conditions were horrible in the trenches and people went mad every other day. The thing I liked most about the book, however, was that it was written from the point of view of a German soldier. In America we hardly ever see any war through anyone elses eyes other than those of another patriotic American. I thought this feature did well in showing that, no matter what country, each soldier differs little from any other. It is the nation that has the problem, and the soldiers are sent in to settle the dispute sometimes not knowing what that may be. They asked the same questions of their government that we asked of ours. The only thing I didnt like was it was a little mistake at times because of his wri ting style. I often confused characters and events, but that can be said of any story. I would definitely recommend this book in the future because its different than other novels we read in the same ways I explained that I like it. It brought a new twist resume he average war novel.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Role of Women in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay -- Things

More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebes writings have helped to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of this essay includes 1) Achebes portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the existing sociocultural situation of the head he is depicting, and the factors in it that condition male attitudes towards women 2) the consequences of the absence of a moderating female principle in his fictions 3) Achebes progressively changing attitude towards women s roles and 4) womens rightist prospects for African women. In the context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will represent the rest of Nigeria -- and a great many of the nations of Africa. Sociocultural Background Were Nigeria and Africa oppressively masculinist? The answer is, Yes. gold coast was known to have some matrilineal societies, such as the Akans but Nigerias tr aditional culture, Muslim as well as non-Muslim, had been masculine-based even before the advent of the white man. The source, nature, and extent of female subordination and oppression have constituted a vexed problem in African literary debates. Writers such as Ama Ata Aidoo of Ghana and the late Flora Nwapa of Nigeria have insisted that the image of the helpless, dependent, unproductive African woman was one ushered in by European imperialists whose women lived that way. On the other hand, the Nigerian-born, discharge writer Buchi Emecheta, along with other critics, maintains that African women were traditionally subordinated to sexist cultural mores. I ally myself to the latter camp. I believe that, in creating a masculine-based society, Ac... ...Function of kin group Tradition. Approaches To the African Novel Essays in Analysis. London Saros International, 1992.Nwapa, Flora. Efuru. London Heinemann, 1966.---. Idu. London Heinemann, 1970.Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo. Women and Nigerian Literature. Perspectives on Nigerian Literature. Vol. 1. Lagos, Nigeria Guardian Books, 1988. Okonkwo, Juliet. The Talented Woman in African Literature. African Quarterly 15.1-2 pages.Rich, Adrienne. Of Woman Born Motherhood as Experience and Institution. New York Norton, 1976.Thiong o, Ngugi wa. Petals of Blood. London Heinemann, 1977.---. Devil on the Cross. London Heinemann, 1982. Walker, Alice. In search of Our Mothers Gardens. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens Womanist Prose. New York Harcourt Brace, 1983. 231-243.Weinstock, Donald, and Cathy Ramadan.

Character Analysis of The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck Essay

Analysis of The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck away from mayor Orden, the characters in The Moon Is Down remaintwo dimensionalJohn Steinbecks The Moon Is Down is a novel about graciousrelationships, the relationships between a small town and itsinvaders, the relationships between town officials and thetowns- concourse, and the relationships between the members of theinvading army. Although it is a short novel Steinbeck has made a few stiff and well-defined characters in these 122 pages. While there aremany characters that only have a few pages in which to definethemselves, the major characters seem to be very well thought out, andmost are quite well rounded.Most of the characters in the novel receive a small paragraph with adescription of who they are, these paragraphs are very detailed andhelp to make the character whole. They not only provide a descriptionof what the character looks like, they give an perceptiveness into what thecharacter is thinking. Even to small characters thi s adds a feeling ofunderstanding on the part of the reader. It allows the reader, in someway, to have a connection to the character, and while the discourse ofThe Moon Is Down may be a bit thin, it makes the characters seemmore real.Mayor Orden is indisputably, not only the main, but also the most practical of all the characters in The Moon Is Down. He was made tobe Mayor of the town, and nobody would ever dispute his position,however, the first few pages of the book portray Doctor Winter and theMayors serving-man (Joseph) offhandedly referring to the Mayor as ifhe was a little apathetic and vague towards his own appearance. Whats the Mayor doing?Dressing to receive the Colonel, sir.... ...the towns-people pose, he does know thatthey are the one fault in his leaders plan. Steinbeck wrote thischaracter with a clear insight into the human mind. Colonel Lanserdoesnt want to be in the town any more than he is wanted there, but aColonel in an army must do as their leader instructs.The Moon Is Down may be a short book, but it does have a lot goingfor it. Though many people may find the dialogue a let down, thecharacters are strong, and full of hidden quirks. Steinbeck didntdirectly create three-dimensional characters, but rather let thereaders do the work for him. The way this novel is written bringsenough life to the story to make every character seem slightly morereal, no matter how small their part to play was.Biliography===========The Moon Is Down by John Steinbeck. First published by WilliamHeinemann Ltd. 1942.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How to Beg for Money :: essays research papers

Abes Poverty Guide toTable of ContentsIntroduction..2 worldwide AdviceWhy?............................................................3Cheapest Route...........................................4Begging Tips.............................5Begging vs. Borrowing...............................6Specific AdviceBegging from Parents................................7Begging from Friends.............................9IntroductionDanger SignalsYou NEED this guide, if you have ever experienced mavin of the following...You cant scrape together the $20 minimum credit card payment each month. That great outfit you bought last week went out of style but three seconds after you paid for it and is now lying on your closet floor. Youre using a credit card for necessities like hair gelatine and snacks because you have no cash. You have to avoid your friends at school because you owe them money. Youve been reduced to begging your parents for chores in order to make money to pay attain your bills. You had to pawn your CD player to pay for each those cool CDs you bought last month. Your parents give you funny looks when you leave for school wearing a $500 welt jacket, but ask them for lunch money. Warning SignalsYou SHOULD have this guide, if you have ever experienced one of theseYouve really really wanted to go out one night, but simply couldnt find the money.The above, but you couldnt even afford to rent a movie, instead.Youve ever given rolled coins to a gaseous state attendant.Someone has asked you for a dollar, and you turned and said, No, but can I have the quarter in your hand?It is because of the poor misfortunate folks who have dealt with these symptoms, and the indefinable image that they are portraying to the rest of the world that I have chosen to do a manual on how to live rich without money. I, myself, am al looks broke. Never do I have money, but I still manage to make the world think that I have all the money I want. Today, I am going to share my secrets with you. Remember, though, this is not a step-by-step tutorial, as there is no possible way I could predict every incident and all people are different when it comes to their money. This is just a guide, a helper, to help you be well on your way to free success. Please use the convenient table of contents to help you find exactly what you need for the situation you find yourself in. Carry this manual over you go, and if you are ever about to make any monetary transactions, stop, take a deep breath, and double check that you are doing the right thing.

How to Beg for Money :: essays research papers

Abes Poverty Guide toTable of ContentsIntroduction..2General AdviceWhy?............................................................3Cheapest Route...........................................4 pray Tips.............................5Begging vs. Borrowing...............................6Specific AdviceBegging from P atomic number 18nts................................7Begging from Friends.............................9IntroductionDanger SignalsYou NEED this guide, if you be possessed of ever experienced one of the following...You cant scrape together the $20 minimum credit neb payment each month. That great outfit you bought last week went out of style exactly three seconds after you paid for it and is now lying on your closet floor. Youre using a credit card for necessities like hair gel and snacks because you have no cash. You have to avoid your friends at schooling because you owe them money. Youve been reduced to begging your parents for chores in order to make money to pay off your bills. You had to pawn your CD player to pay for all those poise CDs you bought last month. Your parents give you funny looks when you leave for school wearing a $500 leather jacket, entirely ask them for lunch money. Warning SignalsYou SHOULD have this guide, if you have ever experienced one of theseYouve really really wanted to go out one night, but simply couldnt find the money.The above, but you couldnt even afford to rent a movie, instead.Youve ever given rolled coins to a gas attendant.Someone has asked you for a dollar, and you turned and said, No, but can I have the quarter in your hand?It is because of the poor misfortunate folks who have dealt with these symptoms, and the terrible image that they are portraying to the rest of the world that I have chosen to do a manual on how to live rich without money. I, myself, am always broke. Never do I have money, but I still manage to make the world think that I have all the money I want. Today, I am going to take my secrets with you. Remember, though, this is not a step-by-step tutorial, as there is no possible way I could predict every incident and all people are different when it comes to their money. This is just a guide, a helper, to help you be well on your way to free success. Please use the convenient table of circumscribe to help you find exactly what you need for the situation you find yourself in. Carry this manual everywhere you go, and if you are ever about to make any financial transactions, stop, take a deep breath, and double check that you are doing the right thing.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Assurance of learning exercises

Implemented plans to Inhalant and accelerate the turnaround of the Mix business in Europe. Their plans focused on enhancing the brand by improving product appeal. In order to do this the company made key appointments to the Mix Europe Holdings management team. Along with appointing a new interim CEO, they official John Moore as consulting Vice President. Mr.. Moore came with an extensive background. Mr.. Moore was an Important factor with Firebombed & Bitchs Hollister Co. Line and ModernAmusement for Moslem Inc. LIZ Collarbone Inc. Believed that the turnaround process was at a critical juncture and the enhancements, structural changes and new leadership were necessary to reinvigorate the brand and improve performance (Bloomberg. Com). Liz Collarbone Inc. Hired Thomas Grate in 2009 as their stable CEO for the Mix chain. Grate headed up a plan to improve the chain by changing the business modes so that one manager would monitor all aspects of a product segment, Including design, p roduction, product management, and merchandise management. He called this one-hand responsibility.Then there was an urgent need to have a new corporate brand identity operator focused on the core markets in Germany and the Benelux countries. He implemented sales productivity improvement by accenting a consumer need-based merchandise planning flack and placing an emphasis on e-commerce (Reuters. Com). Grate continued to focus on the right products for the targeted group, not making the Mix line too much Like day-after-day American sportswear or too city oriented. Grate resigned as CEO In 2012. Shortly after this LIZ Collarbone Inc. Sold Mix to The Gores collection which has also implemented many changing in leadership.I think that you need to do whatever is necessary to keep the business thriving. In this case the leaders ar very informed and knowledgeable in their industry. The execution has at least stopped the Mix line from its downward spiral. The losses today are less than those predicted by Wall Street. The management brought the Mix line out of the gutter and made it possible for LIZ Collarbone Inc. To sell a majority risk to relieve some of the worries of the struggling chain.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Maus reflection Essay

I do hope that you took the time to enjoy my genre recreation project. The idea was a very spur of the moment decision, and came to me quite suddenly in the middle of Michaels craft store. My original thought was to create a scrapbook of a received characters life, and make a sort of collage of events surrounding them. Alex Galvin took me to Michaels the Monday before the project was due, and I spent hours (or so Alex feels) looking around the craft sections at all the varied scrapbooks and pages and stamps galore.I picked up almost boththing I needed when I wandered over to the woodcraft section- and there it was a beautiful wooden shadow box. I immediately dropped everything into Alexs hands and dashed over to it. As I was looking at it I thought, how original no one else will calculate to do this, and a brilliant idea formed in my head. Much to Alexs dismay, I had him put all of my other supplies back where they came from so that I could start on this new idea. My new vision, to create a memorial to Richieu, definitely challenged me to think extinctside of the (shadow)box.Get it? When taking notes on Richieu, I neer learned much ab forbidden his personal hobbies or what he liked to do as a child, so I could only put ordinary items in the box. I put myself in Anjas shoes and really thought about what a mother would want to remember about her son. The panorama that challenged me the most was to really think about the pain of losing a child, and if I were in that position, what would I want the memorial to really symbolize? I debated on the newspaper article the longest- did I want to relive the year or Richieus birth, or the year of his death?I chose a New York generation page from the year of Richieus birth, because it is always better to honor the happiness of birth rather than the death day. Now, you are probably wondering why I chose New York Times instead of a newspaper from their hometown, and you bring up a good point. My thought process for th is was that by the time Anja had found out about the death of her son, and had enough time to fully process it, Vladek and her had moved on to America.I imagined that back then, they would not be able to access cover from Sosnowiec, especially anything from before the war, on Richieus birth year. I spent ages looking at different background pieces, trying to cut them and shape them to be exactly right, and randomized. I wanted it to look somewhat like a scrapbook, and I felt that Anja would have a bunch of little scraps and not full sheets of paper. I chose darker colors with not as many patterns to enhance the fact that, although we are remembering Richieu, it is still a dark place for Anja.I struggled when it came to the blanket scrap in the top corner. I only used a scrap, because maybe Anja was given the leftovers of Richieus blanket, or maybe she cut send off a piece before she gave him to Tosha. Either way, the blanket wouldve had to survive the war, so I tried to burn parts of the fabric. Unfortunately, the type of fabric I had did not burn as well as I hoped, but I kept it in the box anyway. I wish I was able to implicate a train set in my box, because I took notes on Richieu playing with trains.A constraint I had was trying to fit 3-D objects inside, without pushing out the glass or making anything stick out. I also had trouble figuring out where to place everything so I didnt crowd it and fulfil away from the main point which was the picture in the center. I think that each reader has an expectation of what each genre entails, and each author call for to work with those anticipations. For example in Maus, if Art Speigleman had written a memoir, he wouldnt be able to incorporate little details in his illustrations. all(prenominal) frame, the reader can see the body language and facial expressions, which adds a whole new level to the story. If Spiegleman had written a general novel, there would be move filler to create the image of a storyline and not bonnie dialogue. In a memorial box, people expect to see something that relates the dead person persons life, something special that pertains to him/her. Just like writing a regular essay, there are requirements to each project that if they arent completed, the genre wouldnt make palpate or it would turn in to something completely different.If youve ever read the short essay Two Ways of Seeing a River by Mark Twain, he brings up a good point about literature that I relate to genre. He makes a point to say that dissecting literature will present away from the essence of the piece as a whole. He talks about the river losing beauty and grace, simply because he studied it for so long and knows every bit of it. I believe that people who read simply for the pleasure of reading can see the beauty of genre without having any expectations or decipherment it. Each genre opens up a new river and something new for each person to enjoy.I hate writing, simply because I dont consider th e beauty of putting each word on paper and I have only written essays for the majority of my life. I welcomed this project because it gives the sense of a different perspective of writing, and therefore opened my eyes to a new river. Each person responds differently to different types of genre, and I think that the answer is in the question. Genre doesnt change the overall meaning of a piece, but it can add or take away details depending on the constraints, and different genres mean something different to each person.I have never done a genre remediation before, and I struggled with the concept of what it was. I thought I had to rewrite Maus into a completely different genre and I couldnt wrap my head around how to do that. I loved the chance to seek something more creative and not only writing essays. This helps us get a better grasp on different types of genre instead of just have a teacher preach about different styles, we get to experience it ourselves. I am a hands on learner, and this project do it easier for me to understand and fully participate. Thank you, Danielle Chernitzer

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Between the Wars

The event that had significant impacts during the interlude between the First and Second World Wars would be the colossal Depression. The effect of this financial crisis, not besides in the United States but in addition in other parts of the world, was apparent both in the domestic front and in the international community. The great(p) Depression started during the late 1920s and would stretch until the next decade. This historical turning-point was triggered by Black Tuesday, which was the day when the stock markets had a major downturn.(Rothbard, 2000) The impact of this event, both verificatory and negative, was massive indeed as the country was forced into a state of great recession and then reassessment of economic and social policies. (Mcelvain, 1993) In the plant level, the citizenry experienced difficulties, as employment becomes scarce, thereby leading to poverty and hunger, which was prevalent during that decade. The citizens in the grassroots were the ones that was most affected, for the depression was deeply felt by everyone.The length, lasting 10 years, was overwhelming indeed the extent of the crisis was equally devastating. The agriculture and primary sectors industries experienced economic slumps even bankruptcies, which in turn burdened the people whose wages declined and employment opportunities disappeared. The end of this Great Depression coincided with the start of the Second World War. The implication of the financial crisis was not only social but also political, as policies were forced to be reassessed and eventually changed.The New Deal policy was a result of the crisis. Also, government officials debated the liberal policies in economics, as many broken-down liberal economics, and advocated more protectionist policies. The impact of the Great Depression is far-reaching and vast, as it is political, social and economic. References Mcelvaine, Robert. (1993). The Great Depression America 1929-1941. United States Three Rivers Press . Rothbard, Murray. (2000). Americas Great Depression. United States Ludwig Von Mises Institute.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Internet Markerting Essay

Describe the key benefits and opportunities presented by internet marketing activity for genus genus genus genus Viola Drinks Ltd. and again how this help formulate and change the marketing mix for the business. In this assignment I will describe the fundamental benefits and opportunities presented by internet marketing activity for Viola Drinks Ltd. and further much than how this helps formulate and change the marketing mix for the business.Internet marketing brings a lot of opportunities and benefits to businesses for instance action to wider audience and so raising awargonness of the brand and attracting prospective customers, reducing overhead cost of the company as running and online business does not require as oftentimes finances as a regular business, and improve availability. Products Products choices argon informed by market re essay where customers needs and requirements are assessed. Feedbacks given by customers to the government will benefit Viola Drinks Ltd becaus e they lav modify their existing harvest-tides or develop new product for their customers satisfaction.Internet marketing has divide product into two parts 1) core product and 2) extended product. The core product is the actual product purchased by the customers to fulfil their needs and the extended product is the benefits build around the product. Price Price comparison is common online. Viola Drinks Ltd needs to make en genuine that their online expenditures match with their competitor online prices. For instance online price comparison websites such(prenominal) as www. kelkoo. com and www. comparethemarket. com dedicated to comparing prices on products in order to find the best deal for the customer.Customers seat log on to their website, assay for a product, compare the prices and get a good deal. This will benefit Viola Drinks Ltd. to compare their prices with their competitors. The reason why online pricing is better than offline pricing is that online prices are very clear and transparent for the customer and the business at large because they can take advantage of the pricing that may change on a regular basis or take advantages of special offers that last for a limited period of time and compare the amount competitors are charging. This is called price transparency it can only be achieved online as customers will be hunting for bargains.Place Viola Drinks Ltd has integrated internet marketing within their already existing marketing strategies to create another(prenominal) sales channel. The benefit of Viola Drinks Ltd moving their business online is that they can minimise cost of inventory, transport and storage while fulfilling demands from customers. what is more, search Engine Optimisation (SEO) The availableness and visibility of Viola Drinks Ltd is important with Search Engine Optimisation. Search Engine Optimisation benefits Viola Drinks Ltd. to be recognised among leading search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.For a company to have an online presence they must be on the top list on the search engines. Optimizing your website for search engines is a gathering of techniques that simplifies a search engines task of searching, for selective tuition posted on your website. Therefore it is crucial to registering with the big search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines while making sure that the website contains the adequate keywords so the site obtains a high raking placement in the relevant searches that people carry out.This can be achieved by Viola Drinks Ltd. hrough incorporating the adequate keywords that any prospective customers mightiness search for consequently increasing the visibility of page and raising cognizance of the brand. publicity Promotion is an important aspect in internet marketing. Bringing the products to the customers attention will help Viola Drinks Ltd. to generate more sales. Online promotion directly markets to the customers as it regularly pop-up sal es ads. The marketing function concerned with persuasively communication to target audience the components of the marketing program in order to facilitate exchange.The luck of Viola Drinks Ltd. promoting their products online is that their customers can have real-time up to date what the latest promotional offers. Furthermore customers receiving direct e-mail from Viola Drinks Ltd well-nigh products that the prospective might consider purchasing will pull them to visit the website more. Advertising online promotion has helped Viola Drinks Ltd. to reach their target audience, therefore getting more customers and bringing awareness of the unalike benefits and features of their existing and new products which is dramatically benefiting the company.Online advertising has grown over the past years Online advertising spending in the UK has overtaken television expenditure for the archetypical time, a report has said. Online spending grew 4. 6% to ? 1. 752bn in the first half of 2009, wh ile TV spending shrank 16. 1% to ? 1. 639bn. This shows how online advertising is increasingly growing in popularity in the UK and the benefit Viola Drinks Ltd. will have from online advertising is that they can get more customers as they are able to reach a greater audience and have new sales channels.Furthermore online advertising is cheaper and more convenient to reach a wider target audience. Viola Drinks Ltd. website enables their customers to shop and search for information 24/7 from the facilitate of their own bed or from any other location. The benefit of online advertising to the customer is that he/she can get the information as far as they have an internet connectivity while offline advertising such as TV, billboards and newspapers ads are not that so popular as they utilize to be. In a recent article from BBC it is stated that online advertising has over taken the traditional forms of advertising.Globalisation Moving on, the benefit of Viola Drinks Ltd. going online is to reach to a wider audience and expand the company to trade in a single global marketplace and the blurring of social and cultural differences between countries. Viola Drinks Ltd hence has make sure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the foreign markets environment and assess the advantages of their own products and service they provided to their customers on a world-wide scale. 24/7 Accessibility Last but not least 24/7 accessibility is one of the major reasons for a company to go online.For Viola Drinks Ltd to go online it will mean that more customers can get to their stores at their own time. Your store is clear-cut, 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week. Further, your customers are universal in reach, and can shop anytime that they indirect request to. This is the benefit that internet marketing provides to Viola Drinks Ltd because their customers can shop online at any given time. With the companys presence online their customers will not be disappointed as they can a lways shop at any time of the day without leaving the comfort of their house.P5 Explain how internet marketing has make Viola Drinks Ltd. more efficient, effective and successful. In this assignment I will clarify how internet marketing has made Viola Drinks Ltd. more efficient, effective and successful and how the increasing availability of the web gives business a number of effectiveness and efficiency. Dynamic Pricing Online pricing is make successfully thanks to the advent of technology. For instance flights change price according to the time of year prices for flights go up during the half-term, as they hold up families will want to go at this time.Viola Drinks Ltd. website uses dynamic pricing charged prices categorise customers in different groups. The prices are updated in real time to the type of customers or current market condition. Viola Drinks Ltd. website has managed to establish this through their website. The efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic pricing can get Viola Drinks Ltd to capture more consumer attention and surplus, consequently meaning more generated profit for the company. Social Media Social media has helped in a great deal in Viola Drinks Ltd. online advertisement.Social Media website such as Facebook and Twitter are the two most popular and used social media networks with over 1 billion visitors between them. The exploitation of social media has facilitated Viola Drinks Ltd to send out promotions and arrest people up-to-date on upcoming events and products therefore increasing the luck to gain sales and also to profile their customers through psychographic profiling to target, young adults up to the age 24 who spend a great deal of their time online these are. Freedom of Choice has given Viola Drinks Ltd. ustomers the opportunity to pick from a variety of products.Viola Drinks Ltd is providing their customers with options to choose different products online. Furthermore they have offed their customers all over the world the freedom of choice from a different range of products and the option to choose their own delivery time and location. Track your Purchase online processes can help customers to track their order through the companys website as they will be paying for their products or services before they receive it.The efficiency and effectiveness of this is that customers feel reassured that they can track their order without worrying if their purchase will make its way unspoiledly to their minimal brain dysfunctionress. Viola Drinks Ltd website allows their customers to track their purchase from order, dispatch to transportation before it with the courier for delivery to their home address. Once more this reassures the customers and makes them feel that they are obtaining a good service online. Visual appeal, Viola Drinks Ltd. uses images on their website to make it easy and arouse for their target audience to have a clear view of their products in.Doing this it is clear that Viola Drinks Ltd w ants to meet their customers requirements as they have the option to view the products, label which embroil the nutritional information of their drinks as consumers undoubtedly would want to know how much sugar the drinks contain if the individual has health concerns. P6 Explain the challenges of globalization lining Viola Drinks Ltd. when deciding to embark on internet marketing as a promotional tool. In this assignment I will give details about the challenges of globalization facing Viola Drinks Ltd. when deciding to embark on internet marketing as a promotional tool.One of the challenges of internet marketing facing Viola Drinks Ltd. is the costs. Costs of setting up a website can be quite expensive at first, as you have to consider things such as, the knowledge base name protection of the website people looking after the website, keeping it up to date and functional designing the website hosting and staff to look after the consumers requests and oppugns. So this is a big th ing that a Viola Drinks has to consider about when starting up an online business or website, as all of these things add up and can result in costing a lot of money.another(prenominal) little taxing challenge of internet marketing confronting Viola Drinks Ltd. can be the information they decide to put on the website. When creating a website, Viola Drinks Ltd. has to be careful of the content that they put on the website. A business doesnt want to overload the customer with information on products, as the customer will lose interest and find another website, which is more to the point and easier to read. Another challenge of internet marketing that Viola Drinks has to deal with is security.An online business makes their profit through online sales, and therefore needs to make sure that people feel undecomposed and safe doing so. Payment Security is one of the largest challenges that Viola Drinks Ltd. face when operating on the internet. Customers want to ensure that their bank deta ils are kept safe from hackers. Therefore Viola Drinks Ltd. must ensure they have a valid SSL certificate which encrypts sensitive information so nobody else can access it. Furthermore they can do this by making sure their website has regular virus checks and some sort of software to stop it from being hacked.They also could make sure that they use a very secure system when people are paying for products, such as NatWest have the special password system, so that when you are about to purchase a product, the customer will have to enter the password as well as all the relevant card details. A company could also use companies such as, PayPal and ask customers to pay through there. This will make the customer feel more secure as they know its a website they can trust. Viola Drinks Ltd. is also exposed to competition through global website visibility.The problem with having your website on the internet is that you are exposing yourself wide open to competitors who can view nearly everyth ing about your business model. Viola Drinks Ltd. exposes their pricing, promotional offers, customer support service, layout of your information and how they have categorized certain data. This is beneficial to their competitors such as Coca Cola. Furthermore having manufacturers with online presence automatically causes disintermediation within the supply chain. This is a challenge for Viola Drinks Ltd. who sells their products that they get from a wholesaler, which needs a manufacturer.Viola Drinks Ltd may run into channel conflict, which is a challenge. This is when a customer can find the product that a business is selling cheaper elsewhere, therefore they are less likely to buy other products from Viola Drinks Ltd and they will lose money. Therefore, a business needs to make sure that it is looking at what its competitors are doing and keep their products and prices up-to-date. Lastly A challenge of internet marketing that Viola Drinks Ltd might face can be culture. When a busi ness is starting up a website in a different country, they will have to take into consideration the country and their views on things.For example in China the colour red is seen as lucky, therefore Viola Drinks Ltd may choose to make their website red if they were to start up their business in China, as people may be more likely to buy products from them. When starting up an online business in another country they will also have to take into consideration staying within the law. to boot Viola Drinks Ltd. will have to consider tax the description of products language barriers and modesty laws. All these could be potential problems and could easily cause Viola Drinks Ltd. to hand out if they are not looked into and dealt with.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Peer Group Essay

1. equal group education in formal educational settingsPeer group education in schools is initiated by the teachers with the aim to subsequently give over the responsibility of the programme to the students and pupils. During the process of the programme the role of the teacher changes from initiator and teacher to facilitator and consultant, in the ideal case, the teacher should eventually become redundant for the succession of the programme. In methodological terms, this could mean teacherless groups, pairing of students, proctoring (Keller, 1968) and the opening of formal educational settings to a wider public. (Project reference in section 5 The mediation programme in schools of the Jugendbildungswerk Offenbach, Germany)DefinitionsPeer group. Technically a equal group is any collectivity in which the members share some common characteristics, such as age or ethnicity. It most commonly refers to age groups in general, but more specifically to insipid groups where members are c losely bound together by youth culture. Adolescent peer groups tend to have (1) a high degree of social solidarity, (2) hierarchal organisation, (3) a code which rejects, or contrasts with, adult values and experience. From an adult perspective, peer groups are often deviant because delinquency is supported by the rewards of group membership. (A peer is a member of a peer group.) (Abercrombie, 1988)Peer group education is a method of information transference or role modeling where a particular type of behaviour is promoted or information transferred. The peer educators closely match the target group in some manner whether it is by age, sexuality, gender, and so forth

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

People Play Important Roles in Our Lfe Essay

The most significant people in your life would normally be your parents followed by siblings and encompassing family members. We are first sons or daughters before we take on the role of brothers or sisters. Our role will then be of husbands or wives and then fathers or mothers as we grow in our lives. We obtain grandfathers or grandmothers and with Gods blessings, become Great Grandfathers or Great Grandmothers. Our role will then become whatever role we take on in life. Our parents would definitely be the most significant people in our lives.How we grow up as an valet-to-man goes back to the cornerstone of our family unit. When there is love amongst the family members, this is where we are nurtured when we were young and we take our values from the family. Siblings that come along in the family unit are our companions and when we grow up creation supportive of each other, that is where we can generate support and encouragement from our siblings as well. As we grow up in socie ty, we have friends and teachers along the way.Teachers who have motivated us during our school days play a significant part in our growth as well. As the saying goes, No man is an island and hence our dependence on others and how they contribute to our lives by their presence gives meaning to our ambitions, our values, our way of thinking and so much more. In turn, we give a service of process hand, a listening ear to our friends who need support and encouragement or just someone to understand them. When we have been touched by others in our lives and in normal cases, would be the family members.People without this family support such as orphans or kids being fostered out or adopted by their adoptive parents find themselves being cared for by others who come upon all(prenominal) effort to see to their needs and love them. These people then play a very significant role in their lives. It is very important that we appreciate the people in our lives and if we can thank them for bei ng in our lives, it is a beautiful moment to cherish. Often enough, many of us take our loved ones for granted.Let that not be the case and let us be aware that we want to appreciate our loved ones and make every effort to let them know that we appreciate, care and love them. We need not do great things for our loved ones. Remembering them is one way to show our judgement of them and we can do so by taking the clipping to be with them, talk to them and just be with them. Let us all take time to love our close and beloved so that they know they are loved and appreciated in their lives. It is something we can do and let us all make an effort to do so. Being appreciated and loved adds meaning to ones life and it is up to each one of us to do so.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Nike History Essay

1. HISTORY1960sBill Bowerman and Phil nickname founded Nike Inc. as aristocratic Ribbon Sports with a handshake and only $1,000 in capital in 1964. The partners first began their relationship at the University of Oregon where Bowerman was Knights track and field coach. While attending Stanford University, Knight wrote a paper about pause Germanys domination of the U.S. domestic athletic shoe patience by distributing low-cost, high-quality Japanese athletic shoes to American consumers. In an attempt to realize his theory, Knight visited Japan and built an agreement with the Onitsuka Tiger company, a manufacturer of quality athletic shoes, to sell Tiger shoes in the United States.Since Bowerman and Knight to each one had full- condemnation jobs, they needed someone to manage the growing requirements of Blue Ribbon Sports. Jeff Johnson, a runner himself, became the first full-time employee of Blue Ribbon Sports in 1965, and promptly became an indispensable man for the start-up com pany. Knight sold Tigers shoes at local track meets grossing $8,000 of sales in their first year. In 1966, Bowerman, who had designed shoes for his university athletes in the past, worked with Tiger and designed the Cortez running shoe. The shoe was a worldwide success for the Onitsuka Tiger Company and was sold at the first Blue Ribbon Sports store. The companys profits grew quickly. During the same year, BRS (Blue Ribbon Sports) also opened its first retail store, located on Pico Boulevard in Santa Monica, California. seventiesIn 1971, BRS, with some creditors support, started manufacturing its own line of shoes, and therefore its relationship with Onitsuka Tiger started to fall apart. Knight and Bowerman were ready to make the jump from being a footwear distributor to designing and manufacturing their own brand of athletic shoes. The first BRS shoe was a soccer shoe that bore the Nike brand name, referring to the Greek Goddess of Victory, and the swosh trademark, which was desig ned by a student at Portland University for a fee of only $35. 1972 pronounced the definite breakup of the BRS/Tiger relationship.BRS soon changed its name to Nike, Inc. and debuted itself at the Olympic trials, which were about to be held in the same year. In 1973, StevePrefontaine was the first prominent track star to wear Nike shoes. The late 70s and earliest 80s also saw other important athletes such as John McEnroe, Carl Lewis, and Joan Benoit sporting Nike shoes. Nike popularity grew so much that in 1979 they claimed 50% of the U.S. commercialise and the company went humans in December of that year with 2,700 employees and by selling 2 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange. 1980sThe 1980s were marked by revenues of more than $1 billion, the formation of Nike International Ltd., and the Just Do It campaign (1988), which was chosen by Advertising Age as one of the sort out five ad slogans of the 20th century. The series of this campaign included three advertisements with a young athlete named Bo Jackson, who espoused the benefits of a newly cross-training shoe. By the mid-1980s, Nike slipped from its position as industry leader, partly because the company had miscalculated on the industry boom, giving new competitors an almost completely open field to develop the business.Fortunately though, the debut of the new signature shoe for an NBA recruit by the name of Michael Jordan in 1985 helped strenghten Nikes bottom line. In 1989, Nikes business exploded, thanks in part to the fabulously popular Bo Knows advertiement campaign. Nike also expanded its product line by including specialty apparel for a variety of sports. By the end of the decade, Nike had regained its position as the industry leader. This was the only time a company in the athletic footwear/apparel industry had accomplished such a challenge. Nike has been in that position invariably since. 1990sIn 1990, Nike surpassed the $2 billion mark in revenue with 5,300 employees worldwide. I n November of the same year, Portland became the first home to a new retail experience called Niketown, which would earn numerous architectural design and retail awards and produce several other Niketown locations both around the USA and internationally.Throughout the 90s, Nikes revenues unploughed increasing and reached $8.8 billion in 1999. These revenues grew because of several improvements in shoe technology and excellent marketing campaigns. In 1992 international revenues reached $1 billion for the first time and accounted for over one-third of our total revenues. Such growth continued throughout the 1990s as Nike kept focusingour on major sporting events ilk the World Cup, and the next generation of celebrity athletes, such as Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, and the women playing womens professional basketball (WNBA). At the end of the 90s, Nikes goal, is to become a truly global brand. 2000sAt the beginning of the 2000s, Nike introduced a new footwear cushioning system call ed Nike Shox, which debuted during Sydney in 2000. Just as Nikes products have evolved, so has Nikes get on to marketing. The 2002 Secret Tournament campaign, by being Nikes first truly integrated, global marketing effort, was a multi-faced consumer experience in support of the World Cup, quite different from the traditional big athlete, big ad, big product formula. Secret Tournament incorporated advertising, the Internet, public relations, retail and consumer events to create excitement for Nikes soccer products and athletes in a way no single ad could ever achieve.This new integrated approach has become the founding element for Nike marketing and communications. Today, Nike continues to seek new and innovative ways to develop superior athletic products, and creative methods to communicate directly with consumers (Nike Free, Nike+ and Nike heavens are some examples of this technique) in fact, over 40% of Nike Inc.s sales come from athletic apparel, sports equipment, and subsidiar y ventures. Nike Inc. has been able to attain this premier position through quality production, innovative products, and aggressive marketing. AcquisitionsAs of November 2008, Nike, Inc. owns four key subsidiaries Cole Haan (1988), Hurley International (2002), Converse Inc. (2003), Umbro (2008), and Nike GOLF (2009).

Monday, May 20, 2019

News Updates on “Tree man” Essay

On January 19, Shurmer (2010), a writer for the annotate News website wrote an article updating the site readers on the ongoing struggles of Richard Pennicuik, better know as point bit. Since early December of the previous year, guide man had been living in a gum manoeuver near his house in Hume Road, in the City of Gosnells, as a defecate of protest and to save the tree from the city council plans to clear the highway of any and all mature trees that whitethorn cause harm by dropping large limbs.As of the writing of the article, he had been in the tree for 43 days and was experiencing animal(prenominal) difficulties on top of his legal issues as there was a impish heatwave and the high temperatures were causing him discomfort. Entitled Tree man loses hope, the article chronicled Tree mans fade optimism caused by heat-induced headaches the council fining him $5000, as it deemed the platforms that served as his makeshift treehouse were illegal, and forcing him to remove the se structures and the abandonment of an adjacent gum tree by a rotating team who had occupied it for the same cause.A couple of months later on March 13th, a Staff Writer (2010) for Perthnow a local subsidiary of The Sunday Times, wrote a relatively more modern update piece on the Tree man. Asking Tree man Richard Pennicuik for mayor? the report comes on the heels of a stand-off the previous day wherein he still refused to come down from the tree even after policemen and tree-cutting machinery had arrived. Apparently, despite the previous report on his morale and health problems, he had stayed on the tree for another(prenominal) 53 days.The title of the article comes from a comment Tree man had made, saying he had intentions of rivulet for city mayor as the current council he was battling was laughable and unworkable. An analytical comparison of these two Tree man intelligence activity article updates will be discussed. The first, most noticeable, difference between the two new s articles is their marked difference in length, with the first article much longer than the second. Although quantity does not of necessity denote substance, it can be observed that the Comment News article contains relatively more positive facts about the situation than the PerthNow article.In addition, on a related note, it can also be sight that the former article has more content related to the actual subject, as denoted by the article title, than the latter. As an example to support both of these observations, although Comment News does not include a quote wherein Tree man explicitly stated that he was losing hope, it does mention why this would be the case by including a quote where he said he didnt cope well with the heatwave headaches and how the $5000 fine would ruin his family. The PerthNow article, on the other hand, only justifies the title mentioning Tree mans mayoral aspirations with the quote The current authorities is laughable and unworkable and I want to get i n there, if I have enough supporters, to put to work the council the way it should be run. The rest of the article, however, does not mention the issue again and only contains a brief summary of the previous days stand-off and another quote from Tree man where he reasserts his stance.The Comment News article does seem to slightly force the losing hope theme though, by briefly mentioning that the street was desolate due to the abandonment of the adjacent gum tree, although Tree man is not mentioned as having an vox populi on this. However, this observation still contributes to the discussion of the main subject. Coherence to a specific topic is middling of a requirement for any formal article, especially one that is professionally written.The briefness and lack of coherence in the case of the latter article can, however, can be attributed to the writer expecting the reades to already know the expand as the situation was already months-long, and there was a climactic update the day before. Both articles do, however, create Tree man as both a dedicated activist from his acts of defiance, and also a gewgaw character as the tones of his quotes in the first article are slightly rattled and dramatic and in the second, noticeably vague.He was also described as remaining defiantly aloft despite legal and physical danger, and his lawyers protests.References hurmer, J. (2010, January 19). Tree man loses hope. Comment News. Retrieved from http//southern. inmycommunity. com. au/news-and-views/local-news/Tree-man-loses-hope/7546357/ Staff Writer. (2010, March 13) Tree man Richard Pennicuik for mayor? PerthNow. com. The Sunday Times. Retrieved from http//www. perthnow. com. au/news/tree-man-richard-pennicuik-for-mayor/story-e6frg12c-1225840398316

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Fantasy Football: Persuasive Essay Essay

thaumaturgy football adventure is i of my favorite hobbies and I think you will enjoy it to. Ive been performing Fantasy Football for the wear 7 years and I enjoy it more(prenominal) every year. The main reasons I love playing Fantasy Football are that it gets me to watch and enjoy games I normally wouldnt watch, it leaves games more exciting, and its a great way to bring friends together.In Fantasy Football you draft a team up of players from any team in the National Football League. Since you will buzz off a Fantasy team of players spread across many teams, you now have a vested interest in watching games that you usually would not watch. I have watched a multitude of games over the years that would not have in truth interested me if I did not have genius of my fantasy players in the game. You may even have a player on a team you usually do not like to go over win, but Fantasy Football keister change your allegiance quicklyIn Fantasy Football the players on your team s core points by accumulating yardage, scoring touchdowns, kicking field goals, creating turnovers, etc. The can make a typically boring game that is being dominated by one team more exciting. The players on your fantasy team can still score points for you even when their team is being beat out handily. When a game may seem all but over, you may still be shouting on one of your players to run for just a few more yards or score one more touchdown. I have stayed up to watch the end of a blow out game many times just to see if my fantasy players could score a few more points for my team.Fantasy Football is fun by itself, but it is even more fun when you have a coalition with several of your good friends, co-workers, and or family members. Many leagues have draft parties to select their teams. Everyone will gather at someones house or local establishment to eat, drink, and select their fantasy team. These parties can be a lot of fun and it always fun to do a little smack talk about ea ch others teams. Throughout the year you will face off with these homogeneous friends in weekly fantasy games. If your team prevails you will have some bragging rights over your friends.If you already enjoy football or would like to learn more about football, Fantasy Football can be a very fun and rewarding hobby. Fantasy Football

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Biblical Allusions Throughout of Mice and Men Essay

He calls Of Mice and custody a parable that illustrates the biblical conflict between the brothers Cain and Abel (Goldhurst 48). Therefore the people who demand read the report Of Mice and hu piece of musicitypower can automatically see the resemblance between the two stories. Of Mice and Men is a novelette by John Steinbeck, it is about two men who be migrant workers that works on farms. Of Mice and Men contains many Biblical allusions including the Story of Cain and Abel, the longing for Eden, and facing temptation.In Of Mice and Men and the hoar Testament the themes are similar. It is stated in the A Parable Curse of Cain. Of Mice and Men is a story about the genius of mans fate in a fallen world, with particular emphasis upon the question is man destined to live alone, a solitary wanderer on the face of the earth, or is it the fate of man to care for man, to go his way in companionship with another? This is the same theme that occurs in The Old Testament (Goldhurst 49). This proves that Of Mice and Men and The Old Testament have a similar theme.One reoccurring theme in Of Mice and Men and The Old Testament is loneliness will always follow man and innocence keeps ideas alive. The verify that the Lord placed upon Cain was that agricultural labor was going to be difficult, and he will be unfrequented while being a fugitive (Genesis 412). In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie are fugitives that are migratory workers but George at times feels lonely even though he has Lennie because he doesnt have a romantic partner. This shows how these two stories are similar within their themes.Worked CitedGoldhurst, William. A Parable of the Curse of Cain. Readings on John Steinbeck- Of Mice and Men. Ed. Jill Karson, Bruno Leone, Brenda Salcup, and Brenda Szumski. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 1998. 48-58. PrintThe New Oxford Annotated Bible. Ed. Bruce M. Metzger, Roland E. Murphy, andBernhard W. Anderson. New York Oxford University Press, 1994. 2-7. Print. Owens, Luis. Of Mice and Men The Dream of Commitment. Modern Critical pile John Steinbeck. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York Chelsea House, 1987. 145-149. Print.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Macbeth’s diary

On the mean solar day that the battle had ended, I g all(prenominal)oped with the misted heath on my valiant steed. on side my trust quotable, noble partner Banpuo. The battle had been over against the traitors of the mightinesss victorious country. As I galloped I looked apon the heath as if it was my own. Our clothes dripped with the ancestry or the rebels. One clear moving-picture face remains, an image of McDonald, and I, Macbeth, unseaming him from the nave to the chop.In the length were three figures. As they became clearer I sensed that Banpuo became unsteady on his horse. As we move the figures similarly continued to become clearer. The figures were non man or wo custody. Not black or white. An expeditious decision lead me to be resideve that the figures were witches. At that pass I became uneasy on my steed as my fear grew. I stepped cut down from my horse skinnyly followed by the brother I never had. Banquo gasped I breathed in late and stepped prelimina ry. He because asked how farther isnt called to For appease. He rapidly stepped brook, I followed his eye movework forcet and it was at that bit I realised that they were non to be taken lightly. consequently(prenominal) as I stared in hatred and a slight fear, Banquo began to intercommunicate. I because stood straight demanded for them to speak unless it was beyond their ability. They stepped forward and then they began to reveal themselves to us. They called upon me as my thane name. I lowered my head a little so that they would k flat that this was I. I looked at Banquo, he seemed to be as confused as I was. Then a second stepped forward. It in like manner called come in al whiz this time of a different name. Thane of Cawdor is how they addressed me. So many questions went through my head. How Thane of Cawdor he stock-s public treasury lived. Then before I could ask myself any to a greater extent questions, a third stepped forward to join the other two. Only this t ime it verbalize,All hail Macbeth That shall be top executive hereafterThose quarrel where the so exhilarating and at the same time I had so many questions. How? The superpower had two sons. I was no relation. however what if it was true how would it happen I could exactly think of one and only(a) thing. No it resulting non happen. The only reason I met the witches was because I was on my cover version shit a battle in which I had fought for king and country.Then I looked at Banquo he then asked me why I seemed to fear. After he spoke this he stepped forward and wanted to know his stack (if that was what they spoke of or maybe it is truth.) Then all three witches hailed Banquo however I was put to rest when they expressHail Banquo lesser than MacbethI let bug come on a sigh, only when then greater.How greater than king. If I was to become king I k tonic that he couldnt be better than be as I had been greater than he had all of my support. Then the witchs started t o drift away except they would not. I demanded for them to break hardly no such(prenominal) reply did I get from the imperfect speakers. I was shocked tho all I could think about was why would Banquos sons be king and not my own. I looked back at were my horse stood. I climbed upon my trustful steed and galloped recondite into the heath with Banquo aside me.I recall the healthy of footsteps. In front of us were Ross and Angus bringing news of the kings greatest gratitude. I was showered with praise then I heard what would be some of the most memorable words in my intire life. And, for n god-fearing of a greater honour. He blade me from him call thee thane of CawdorBanquo yelled out in my presenceWhat croupe the devil speak true?A thousand questions trust trough my mind. How, Why. The thane of Cawdor still lived. Was it a intercommunicate? No truth was spoken. I asked them why they dressed me in borrowed robes. They told me how he was under heavy judgement. I entertain aski ng Banquo if he hoped that his children would be kings. As the initiatory part of the devils words came true for me. I judgement about the two truths that they spoke mutilate. I was rapt. I matte as if I cleaved not to their mould. I wondered whether the message was good or bad. I had a very sudden ruling. A frightening image or stopping point and strike, evil. I was given the titles Glamis and Cawdor with out eating but then again king is a a lot greater title. I wanted to see the king maybe to move myself of the good man that he was. I stirred, I was horrid, Banquo seemed to want to go but I was still very weary of what Banquo was liveing. I felt anxious to be king for it was always my dreaming it brought back memories and dreams that I once had to be king. Would they finally come true? Before I go forth I sent a letter to my dear wife telling her of my encounter with the witches and my apprehensions about Banquos supposed futurity.As Banquo and I fled into the fort accompanied by Ross and Angus, King Duncun labelled me worthy cousin. At this point in time I was overwhelmed with emotions. I was proud because the king of Scotland said that I as his worthy cousin. simply also that it was another reason for me not to kill him after all organism labelled a worthy cousin of the king is reward in its self. I was smiling but I couldnt care but wonder to myself if I was bonnie pretending to like when I knew that it would only fill me with more contrition than I al piece had. I told Duncun of how I owed him everything and that doing it was a reward in itself. How could I lie to my king? I told himIs to receive our duties and our duties are to your throne and state, children and servants.Then to my complete amazement he proclaimed that he would be coming to my house for a feast. I was over come with astonishment. The king at my house it was such an honour but then after thinking that It was an honour I thought of how uncomfortable I would be i ntimate that I was thinking about, about murdering the king.Then with out anyone knowing he announced that his son was the new prince of Cumberland. This meant that he was inline to be the next king. So any hopes that I had of me getting the title without doing anything had disappeared. It was at this moment I felt more strongly but also scared about killing the king after all he was my king. The man who gave me such titles as, Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor.As I left the way of life I tried to convalesce something to hide my anger. So I looked to the stars and asked the solemnly, Stars hide your fires Let not light see my black and deep desires.I wanted to be out of sight so that all of my raging anger was concealed. Then I solidly recover what was difference through my mind I was thinking and feeling at my hand, the hand that might possibly kill the king of Scotland.I wrote a second letter to my wife telling her that the king was coming to our house but also some of my thoughts I didnt want to trouble her with all of them. As I set off the king told everyone to follow me and that I would bid them all welcome to my home.As we all arrived at my castle my wife greeted me not by darling or husband but as great Glamis and worthy Cawdor. This one a exceedingly special occasion for me because my meant so more to me that I felt so proud and just happy. Then I told her when Duncun was coming and when he would hence.As we began to talk about the letters, the witches and all of the happenings she began to seem determined and different in someway I cant explain how.The banquet was set for the king but I could not stay in the Kings Company. The guilt of my thoughts was too much. I was struggling with my conscience. I think back thinking that is I was to it, it would gather in to be done quickly with no hesitation. provided he was a fair king how could I do it, he was such a gentlemen. I was his innkeeper I was surpposed to close the door on the murderers not bare the knife myself. If I were to do it there would be tears all over the kingdom and everyone would mourn his death. How could I do it to such a dear and well thought of man?My wife came to speak to me and asked why I left the banquet, I didnt answer, I just wanted to know if he had asked for me. She said no but she also started to tease me because I told her that we would not proceed any further in the business. She was using language that she of all peck knew would agitate me no end. I told her to stop but she wouldnt if I was to do. This then I would a monster. I tried to be the best that I could be but for some reason it was only now I felt as if it was insufficient. Then I began to wonder what had changed as she said,Be so much the man. I have given suck, and know how tendert is to love the babe that milks me.Had she really changed or was she just nerve-racking to shock me into the action. Either way I felt as if it was working. But what if we should fail? My doubts grew tho as she answer they all began to dissolved like a drug in water. I began to feel as if my wife was stronger than I was. I was just filled with a touch modality of confusion. Then out of nowhere she suggested to blame the guards that would lay out of doors the kings chamber. Then I told her that she should only give birth to males. I couldnt kill him she must have seen my doubts in my expressions because once again she began to attack my manhood. Then putting my accurate disbelief aside I settled on the decision that I would do it I would kill the king of Scotland. I would kill him but until then I would be like a kick hiding the great serpent.As I walked through the long corridors that seemed never ending, I recall sightedness Banquo and his son Fleance. I felt so much guilt for the intense concoctions that brewed in my mind. When Banquo informed me of his dream about the witchs I was overwhelmed with guilt for lying to such a pure man. As I left Banquo I proceeded a long the long and winding corridors, a fatal vision appeared before my eyes. Could the mind ca-ca such a false vision? I said to myself. As I looked closer it seemed to check a dagger of my own. I reached for my dagger grasping it but never taking my eyes of the dagger. Then I tried to grasp it but to my own amassment my hand went straight through it. It began to move, so I followed it my essence pounding like the drums at a beheading. I was short of breath and my mouth was totally dry.Whilst I was following the knife I realised that it was leading me to the kings chamber. I felt as if the witches were there, that they were influencing me but I still mulish to follow the dagger. I felt that on a night such as the one that night there was evil in the air. Then out of nowhere gouts of lineage appeared on the dagger dripping from the tip. This disturbed me because fifty-fifty though I have seen lots of note before never the kings. I felt like a fantasm, close to invisible as I walked through the passages getting closer to the Kings manner.All of a sudden the bell that invited me to Duncuns murder chimed. The bell of Duncuns death called me. I looked out of the and then for the first time taking my eyes of the bloody dagger. I peered out of the window and found myself lost in thought. I was sweating and was very hot I went into the way were the king lay a relief and the deed was doneThen suddenly I heard footsteps I felt uneasy and quit scared. My mouth became dry once again and my palms became very sweaty. Then my wife appeared I was breathing heavily. With two bloodstained daggers in my hands. I told her that the deed was done. I began to hear things. I was extremely effected by the murder that I had committed that I had forgotten the instructions that my wife had given me. As I had still had the bloodstained daggers in my hand which dripped the blood of Duncun. I told her that I was never going in there again. I just couldnt go back in the room were the king had died, were he was murdered, by me. Her anger was immense she quickly took them from me and followed her own instructions. I remember feeling and knowing that I would be dammed for this dishonourable crime that committed.I was looking at my hands so red so wet so bloody. Such a sight will remain in my mind foreverI heard one of the guards screaming murder He was ordering prayers. I was so frightened. I was sweating I could feel the river flowing down my back and trickling down my hilltop down to my nose then into my mouth the salty sensation almost took my mind of the murder. Only to be interrupted by my oh so changed attitude from my wife. It was remarkable I didnt know that someone so close to me, someone who I had known for so long could change so quickly and considerably.I would sleep no more. I felt so scared that I would never sleep or even be able to rest again. I could never of thought that this murder would effect me this much but it did and that in itself con fused me. I was indescribable fear. No words can say what I was going through. It was the worst moment of my life.Suddenly there was knocking at the door, which gave me a fright, I yelled with no hesitance,Wake Duncun with thy knocking I would thou coulstI regret saying this, and then my wife dragged out me away.As I walked down stairs in a fresh set of cloths Macduff and Lennox were there. Macduff asked me if Duncun was awake, so I took them to Duncun as we walked Lennox and Macduff kept on asking me questions. Each time I was filled with fear and deep remorse. Almost every sentence from my mouth was a lie. Then we arrived at the door I was the only one there who really knew what was inside. Macduff went inside the room, whilst Lennox and I stood outside. He was telling me about the weather coating night, he was taking about hearing screaming and strange things happened. I was being eaten from the inside.Macduff ran out of the chamber and screamedO horror Horror HorrorWe both a sked what he was talking about, I felt expectant, and I was just waiting for him to say it was Macbeth who killed him but he didnt. Lennox was confused but I knew what he meant. We went into the room and we looked around. Outside I could hear Macduff shouting things like, Ring the alarm bell Murder and treasonEveryone was outside so I killed the guards and made it look like an act of anger when I did this I thought that it would take the focus from me but to Macduff it just made it worse. He asked my why I did it, I thought that he was suspicious, I told him that I couldnt help it and that I was so angry that I axiom the blood on them and their daggers that I just lashed out. My dear wife then fainted, I think she did this because she knew that I was not up to talking to anyone at the moment and I might have broken down. Then Banquo said something unforgettable to me,And question this most bloody piece of work to know it further.I knew that he would be suspicious. He thought that t here was more to his death. This made me very worried I thought that I had very good reason. I thought that I was finished. I mean he was there when I met the witchs.Then with good reason the two sons of the king Donalbain and Malcolm fled the country afraid of their own lives. So I, Macbeth, was vest the new king of Scotland my coronation was brief but for filling I was proud of myself even though I was not proud of what I did to do it.Then came the day after my egotistical coronation. I felt so much better because I was organising a banquet to celebrate my coronation. I sawing machine Banquo in the morning and questioned what he was doing for the day. I told him that I wanted him to come to the banquet. Banquo and Fleance left for a day of hunting. I spoke to the rest of my men and told them that they could have the rest of the day of until seven oclock when they would all assure the banquet.As everyone but one of my many servants left the room, I told my servant to fetch me th ose men. As I was left alone I began to speak to myself and re assure myself that I had to do this to keep my crown safe and that I infallible to be done if I wanted to keep my crown. He was the tilt he would produce a long line of kings, inless I stopped him and to do that I would have to kill him and his son. For the first time I felt determined but I also felt somethings that had been frequent in my feelings like fear and anger. If I wouldnt keep the crown then it was fruitless. I was not willing to let that happen so I decided that when the murderers got back I was to give them the go ahead, to kill Banquo and Fleance. My servant and two murderers came through the door. I didnt want to speak with them for long so I just told him that Fleances death was just as important as Banquos and that it must be done far away from the palace also that it was to be done that very same night. Even though I was swamped with guilt and anger I also knew that it had to be done.I didnt tell my wife, I locked her out because I had a feeling that she wouldnt be able to deal another murder. I went to see her she was my clueless wife. I was trying to protect her, I told her,Thou knowst that Banquo and his Fleance lives.Something would be done when the darkness came then I would be jocund. Then I left her to get ready for my Banquet to celebrate that I became king.The Banquet was ready everyone had arrived accept for Banquo, I walked swiftly into the room and the atmosphere was like no other. Everyone stood up and applauded me. This was the proudest moment of my intire life king such an achievement, I thought it could only be dreamed about until that moment in time. As my lords who were once my fellow fighters stood up I looked around but did not see Macduff. But at that moment in time I want bothered. I could feel my jaw suffer from the full smile on my await.I looked around and saw a spare seat upon my men and lords so I walked over and sat with them. I did this so that t hey would think of me as a peoples king, a good king. As I began to sit down. Lurking in the doorway was one of the murderers walked over to him and said, Theres blood upon thy faceTo my greatest satisfaction he told me that it was Banquos blood. I told him that it is better on him than inside Banquo. He told me of how he bastard his throat. Relief ran through my veins. But before I got to excited I asked about his, but there was no such luck to be had there. He notified me that he had run away. I was filled with dread something had to be done but what I didnt know what. I was filled with complete horror I was shocked, mortified and extremely troubled. I melted into as much fear that was in my bones when I committed the murder of Duncun.As I turned round I tried my best to be strong I fled back to the spare seat only to be greeted by the cold army corps of Banquo. All I could do was shout which one of you has done this?What my lord?They were totally clueless I reacted to the goast almost screaming at it,Thou canst not say I did it . . . Never shake thy bloodthirsty locks at me My wife then whispered to me,Are you a man?I told her that I was but a bold one, she kept answering back so I told her to look and behold. Then the phantasm disappeared, I told her victims appered with twenty mortal murders on their crowns, and push us from our stools. This was stranger than such a murder was. Then I spoke to my company and told them not to look mutely at me. Then the ghost reappeared at first I didnt see it but when I did I quickly reacted by shout avaunt and quit my sight Let the earth hide me. The reason that I remember so much about it is because it was such an ugly sight that I will never forget what I had to say to him or it. My wife lied to my guests telling them that I was ill. Then I carried on shouting, screaming trying to scramble to safety in my mind. It disappeared so I said why so being gone. I was still unaware that only I could see the ghost, I was speaking to my guests but I dont remember what I was saying. Ross then said,What sights, my lord?It was only now that I finally realised that only I could see the ghost, my wife told everyone to leave us and Lennox told me to have better health. After everyone had left I told my wife that there was no going back and that I would be punished for this. I decided to go back the witchs, I am determined to know whats going to happen to me next. I knew that I had to find out what was to come and if it was worse than had already come. Before I left I asked if she had noticed if Macduff was at the banquet that started of to be a celebration. She said no, so I began to worry about his suspicions and why he wasnt there. Having found no conciliation or help I decided to go to bed and then in the morning return to the heath where it had all started.After a restless night, I had decided to go to the heath to find the witchs. As I arrived at the heath upon where we had first met I saw the hags an d addressed them for what they were. When I called them old hags it was to try and show them that I had more power than they did. I currently realised that they were not afraid when then replied, A deed without a name.This worried me slightly, I remember thinking what I was thinking trying to overpower such evil. I demanded to know what was coming I educated them with what I had to say. Then I told them that I demanded them to see their masters and not hear from them. As I was waiting the flashes of lightning and the lions roaring from above shocked me. Then all of the witches chanted, Come high or low, thyself and office deftly show.It was at this moment that I knew that I was going to find out what my future was. Then suddenly, out of the caldron arose an armed head and spoke, Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Beware MacduffI had come to the heath looking for good news, some informative information but so far all I had got was substantiate suspicions. I said a quick thank you and asked t hem to know more and to tell me of it.He will not be commanded. Heres another more potent that the first.One of the witchess quickly announced. Then another image appeared from the cauldron called on me just as the first but then said, Be bloody, bold and resolute. muzzle to scorn the power of man for none of women born shall harm Macbeth.Why should I fear, all men are born of a woman then why should I fear? It was at this point I began to wonder if I was perpetual, if I was blessed with the gift of ever lasting life. I will remember those words for as long as I shall live. Then I had an outburst and yelled and then live Macduff. What need I fear? But just in case I was to have him killed I remember feeling such relief, joy, delight, I had renewed bravery and a new spirit.Then another apparition arose from the cauldron and it was a child, crowned, with a tree in his hand. At first I remember not knowing what it meant so I asked the witchs what it was, they told me to listen but no t to speak do I did and only to find out the best news so far. It said that I would not vanquish until the great Birnam woods moves. This only confirmed my suspicions about being immortal. Then the cauldron began to disappear and the next eight kings of Scotland appeared all resembling and carrying Banquos spirit. I screamed out to the witchs and interrogated them on why they showed me this. Before I could ask them anything else they danced and vanished. All of a sudden Lennox appeared startling me, I asked if he had seen the hags, he replied with a childly no. Looking back I dont remember all that he said but I did hear the sound that triggered my anger and my fear, which was that Macduff had fled to England. This meant that I couldnt kill him. So instead I went to his castle were I was to kill his wife and babes. So of we went to the castle.I told all of my attendants not to bring me anymore reports that I didnt care, until the wood moves I shall not fear. I remember that no mat ter how many times I said it I didnt fear, if anything it made me stronger. I felt so succour, so safe and strong. Not just my heart but my mind, for the first time in a long time. I was interrupted by one of my servants, he informed me that there were English soldiers in their thousands. I began to realise the depth in which I had sunk.I called in my chief officer, Seyton, and I told him to tell me what was happening with the English. He saidAll is confirmed, my lord, which was reported.At this I recall asked him to bring me my armour, but he then went on to saying that it was not needed yet.I turned to my doctor and asked him how the patient was referring to my wife. He then said that she wasnt so sick but she did see fancies that stooped her from sleeping. I wanted it all to just go away, my wife did not merit to not sleep. I did the deed so I should be punished. She did nothing so why was she trauma so much? Then I shouted out that I would no fear till the wood of Birnam wood come to Dunsinane.I met with my soldiers to tell them that I did not fear that they would not famish me out. I could feel my strength and my security. Then I heard an ear piecing scream from above, I had almost forgotten the taste and smell of fear itself. I was told that it was my wifes cry. This made me feel like falling to my knees. But I couldnt deal with it the English soldiers were coming. After doing everything I now have no one to shell out it with no one. Then one of my servants rushed in and I told him that I didnt want to hear it. But still he told me,I looked towards Birnam and anon the wood began to move.I screamed liar slave I remember being in extreme anger and disbelief. Then I went with the messenger to see for myself and when I did I felt a shiver down my spine I began to doubt the witchs. Still with some gaze left I took all my strength and went to the gate with my amour on to face the fiends.The alarms where sounded and I appeared to show my face to Macduff. I wasnt afraid of him because no man could kill me so I told him and the answer was not so nice as the question he told me that he was ripped from his mothers whom. This made me scared, the witchs had tricked me into thinking that I was immortal and that no man could kill me. But I was not a coward I told Macduff that I would fight only to lose. We fought our heavy swords dragging us down. I felt as if every muscle was being dragged out of my body and then Macduff drew his sword at me for one last time and

Constructivist Learning and VLEs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Constructivist Learning and VLEs - probe ExampleAs the essay stresses erudition theories are the basis of commandal-design theories. Reigeluth comments that the relationship between a learning theory and an instructional theory could be equated to that of a house and its foundation. Problem-based learning (PBL), is a cook upivist learning model, which is fundamentally an instructional-design theory. Reigeluth observes that a theory is considered to be an instructional theory if it offers explicit guidance on how to better athletic supporter people learn and develop. From the report it is clear that constructivist theories are based on the assumption that pupils must construct their own ideas through the guidance of a teacher. Here the teacher is a mere guide and the student shoulders the responsibility of unravelling knowledge for themselves. In constructivist model of education, there is no memorising of theory and data. Students render to reach upon their conclusions and hav e to develop knowledge by themselves. As Miller suggests, if the learner is to acquire specific knowledge, then the instruction must employ the correct instructional strategy for promoting the acquisition of that kind of knowledge. Cognitive Constructivism propounded by Piaget believes in the supremacy of mind in learning process and considers the organization of information around concepts, problems, and the interrelationships of associated subjects and ideas.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The business of logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The business of logistics - Essay ExampleThe acquisition was aimed to invest in future infrastructure, increase industriy syngeries, leverage scale of economics, improve competitive staining and thereby reduce operational and management costs. The business of airlines macrocosm very volatile and Tolls competitor having the majority shareholding in Virgin Blue,overcapacity in the shipping business and sturdy rail business it was difficult for Toll to establish a firm foothold toward leadership position in the logistics industry. Toll had only two alternatives to either to merge with some bigger international transferral company to achieve its strategical goal or acquire related business of high standing(a) to get business opportunities to expand further and consolidate its position.Toll had the vision to get advantage by acquiring Patrick but still there were several internal risk involved. Whether the acquisition would generate synergism and integrated cost saving. Whether inve stment in an aging infrastructure of Patrick corporation would prove productive or turn negative in future. Will the acquisition build competitive advantage for Tolls business in the logistic industry. Patrick corporation themselves needed to be reorganized and restructured with injection of massive funds of $1.1 billion to stablize. These were contend questions for the leadership to answer. However, the oportunity in the industry after acquisition was great to hold about 15% of the foodstuff share with the revenues of both the comport giants that was about $5.1 billion in 2005. This market share would transform them to redoubtable position in the domestic and international transport and storage market. Toll and Patrick both had massive transport and storage assets which is likely to be over $7.3 billion after consolidation. This asset strength would put them into strategic and competitive advantage position to command leadership in the industry. Patrrick had a massive asset out lay $4.6 billion. They had 14 major operating divisions to earn regular revenues Patrick Terminal as the largest operator of container terminal to add high technology logistics movement. Patrick Autocare- that offers an integrated service of processing, distribution and storage of motor vehicles that operates in partnership with Patrick Stevedoring.Patrick style Services- that offer a national network of land based services to importers and exporters, shipping lines, freight promotion agents, and customs brokers.Patrick PortLink- the interface provider between Patricks road, rail and stevedoring services- Patrick Intermodal operates a national network of interstate transport, warehousing, distribution and wharf cartage services.- Patrick Defense Logistics provides logistics support services to the Defense sector, including commercial and government organizations with specialiser project management requirements- Patrick International Freight services to Australian importers and exp orters. - Patrick Air Services is the airline design handling business of Patrick CorporationToll Holdings will be able to utilize

Monday, May 13, 2019

Learning the signs of child abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learning the signs of child abuse - Essay shellAlthough nonprofits might also be interested in this workshop they may non have the competency to pay for service.My fees would be comparable to other consultant fees. In looking at fees on the profit I found that consultants devolve on many different amounts for their workshops. For an online workshop I saw fees between $195 per someone and $395 per individual. I saw one Internet workshop to become a consultant (taught by a consultant) where she charged $297 per person. I think that I would charge as one consultant did $395 for the first person and $195 for each person after the first one from the same company. I would require a stripped of 15 people to do a workshop and it would be a full day. I would charge the same fee for this workshop because if I showed enough value people would pay the fee. I do not believe in giving a discount rate to a nonprofit cheek because it is nonprofit. There are many nonprofits like The United Wa y, The American Cancer Society and others who are headliner at fundraising. They understand that they must pay for services they receive. I would consider group discounts (as noted above) and I would consider shortening the workshop for an organization or business if they just wanted a half day. However, the half day fee would be based on the full day fee.I would not work towards convincing the decision maker to hire me because prior to a meeting with them I would enthrall my marketing materials. I would first find out whether the company was the type that I describe in my target market and when they did professional development. I would find this out through a phone call. I would also find out the name of the person in charge of scheduling workshops. At that appoint I would send marketing materials and ask that they give a call. I would attempt to get as much information from the executive assistant or the individuals department

ENGLISH JOURNAL ANALYSIS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ENGLISH JOURNAL ANALYSIS - Coursework ExampleIt redefined the minima of theatrical certainty. It was simple as that. He got away. He won by twenty-eight lengths, and hed done it with so littleand I intend that as an enormous compliment. There they all were, busting a gut with great monologues and fireworks, and this extraordinary genius bonny put this play together with enormous refinement, and then with two completely unprecedented and unique bursts of computer architecture in the middleterrible metaphorand there it was, theatre. Though scholars and enthusiasts have speculated on the form and building of the play, not many have managed to grasp the influence of the play over the linguistic characteristics of theatre. Contrary to the in the first place attempts to construct a play using carefully chosen dialogues, Beckett liberated dramatic speech from the bobby pin of rhetoric and replaced it with his unique choice of words which contradict the foundations of conventional gramm ar. Most importantly, he strips words of their true(a) or contextual interpretations in an attempt to prove it being ineffective of trying to find reek inherent in the universe.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Metro Recreation History Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Metro Recreation tarradiddle Assignment - Essay ExampleAbraham Lincoln is remembered in the U.S. history for the role he played in bringing to an end the institution of slavery. Lincoln was very vocal against slavery. His ascension to power prompted seven southerly states to secede from the Union as a protest to presidents antislavery sentiments. Other four states followed suit later on prompting the start of the Civil War in 1861. In the course of the war, Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the nigh signification speeches against slavery that is popularly referred to as the Emancipation Proclamation. The Congress approved an amendment abolishing slavery in the united States. Unfortunately, Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 soon after the war came to the end. However, his message against slavery was deeply intrench in the American constitution and nobody could reverse that. The congress reached a unanimous decision cardinal years later to build Lincolns memorial. Lincoln Monument A ssociation was charged with this responsibility. The situation of the memorial was decided in 1901 and approval of the $2 million Lincoln Memorial Bill was reached in 1911 under President Taft.The memorial was officially dedicated to Lincolns memorial in 1922 by retired President Taft. In 1963, during the civil rights movements led by Martin Luther fag, Jr., the essence of this memorial was once again brought to light. Dr. King delivered the famous I have a dream speech which reminded American of the Emancipation Proclamation which was gestural by Lincoln. King called on America to rise up and grant blacks their full freedom as envisioned by the degree. Since then, the memorial has become synonymous with freedom and equality for every person alert in the United States of America.Recreation is described as an activity someone engages in during their leisure or free time. This time is always acknowledged for its ability to instil or redeem so tender

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Solids Conveying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Solids Conveying - Essay ExampleIn our e preciseday life, items need to conk out from one peak to another, for efficiency, for different reasons such as construction, packaging in in clayries, assembly houses and manufacturing industries. Nevertheless, some of these items ar too heavy or bulk for an ordinary person to move them, thus, the need for solid transfer systems. According to (Colijn 1985) conveyor systems are mechanically constructed equipments that help in contemptible bulk materials from one point to another. Thus, systems make work easier and enhance efficiency in production.A pneumatic Conveying system is a type of system that uses gases as a medium of transportation of materials of any size or order from one point to another. Air is the most appropriate medium of transportation of material in many systems with the exemption of systems that are most likely to choose reactors or systems that faces potential threat of explosion of dust particles, which when mixed wi th air, reduces the productivity of the air as a medium (Klinzing 2010). The productivity of a pneumatic conveying system depends entirely on how it is set up. For instance if a the system is set up with the infallible standards and protocols, it become efficient and economical to any organization that uses it as it is simple, affordable and easy to maintain during generalization and operation. In addition, the system is sealed fully and there is no contact between other moving parts and the system, thus enhances the cleanliness of the system and makes the system environmental friendly. Subsequently the pneumatic Conveying system is very flexible especially when the organization decides to have an expansion of the system. These systems are convenient for fine powders or pellets that have densities from about 16 to 3200 kg /m3, thus these systems work efficiently and conveniently with particles of up to 2 inches compactness in diameter, as this is its general rule for its conveni ence (Colijn 1985). Pneumatic